Learning strategies mean the set of information and techniques that are used by the teachers in order to enhance the learning capabilities of the students. There are two basic ways to set up the learning strategies. The first type is known as the interactive learning strategies and the second type is known as the group work learning strategies. Here, we will provide some important tips to the students that are helpful for them to identify, set up and use a variety of learning strategies.

Tips to identify, set up and use a variety of learning strategies as an interactive
An interactive learning strategy is a name of conveying the information in the two ways. The most important tips in this regard are given below;
1) As we know that there is a lot of learning styles that are adopted by the different students according to their nature and environment. Some students like the visual learning style, some students like the aural learning style, some students like the kinesthetic learning style, some students like the verbal and logical learning style, and some other students like the social and solitary learning style. Before going to implement the learning strategy, you should identify that which learning style is liked by the student.
2) After identifying a clear learning strategy, the next step is to make a solid set up to implement that learning strategy. The best way to make a solid set up is to ensure the clear communication, good relationship as well as trust.
3) The most important way to use that strategy is to space out your time for the studying process, try to practice those things that are helpful for the students to bring that information into the mind without revising several things and try to elaborate that information.
4) If you want to get help to make an effective learning strategy, then dissertation writing services are the best choice for you.
Tips to identify, set up and use a variety of learning strategies as a group work
A group learning strategy is a name of doing some important task by making a group. The most important tips in this regard are given below;
1) First of all, you should try to prepare a group. The best techniques to prepare a workgroup is to think carefully while making a group that is physically arranged, to insist on the professional conduct, and to get an idea about the experience of the students to work in a group.
2) After making a group for the learning objectives, the next step is to design that group. You can design a group by clearly identifying the objectives of the instructions, by assigning some challenging tasks, by taking a review of the perfect size of the group and try to predict some answers of the questions to the students.
3) The next step is to introduce that group. You can introduce the learning group easily by sharing your rationale, to explain the task of the group easily, and by allowing the students to ask some questions.