In order to perform your duties in an effective way, you will have to make a self-management plan. This self-management plan is the best way to lower down your chronic pain. In this informative and academic post, the writer from the team at an assignment help provider company has analyzed the concept of self-management addressing the questions self-management among adults with chronic back pain. 
Self-Management Among Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: Concept Analysis Assignment
The management of the daily tasks with one or more than one chronic conditions is known as self-management. With the help of self-management, it is possible for you to perform your everyday responsibilities in an effective way. It means that self-management will provide a chance for you to spend a healthy life with chronic health conditions. There involves a set of such tools and strategies in the self-management that are necessary to lower the chronic conditions of a person.
Some essential tips of self-management among adults with chronic low back are given below;
1) Be self-aware
There are many leadership styles and you should try to understand what leadership style works for you. The only way to understand this phenomenon is to learn self-awareness. This self-awareness will provide you with enough idea about your strengths and passions. As a result, you will be in a better position to understand and develop your authentic leadership style. In other words, self-awareness provides a way to lead you.
2) Be accountable
You should try to install an advisory board in yourself and try to make good strategic decisions. After making these strategic decisions, you should also try to get feedback on these strategic decisions. This is the best way to evaluate your performance. After making a decision, you should ask to yourself that you can do it easily.
3) Be trustworthy
Be trustworthy means that you should have enough trust in yourself and you should also have trust in your employees. This is the best way to strengthen the loyalty of your employees. This is possible only if you have the best and impressive hiring practices.
4) Take time out each day
You should select a particular hour of the day and ask your employees that no one can disturb you during this hour. During this hour, you should relax for a while and take an overview of the whole day. This will provide you with an idea either you are completing all the tasks in a timely manner or not.
5) Recognize your abilities
No doubt, there are some specific abilities and skills in a person. You should try to recognize these abilities and skills. If you feel that you don’t have some specific skills to perform a specific task, you should hire such an employee who has these specific skills and abilities. For example, if you are a good manager but you don’t have enough abilities to manage the cash flow of an organization, you should work as a manager and try to hire an expert accountant.
6) Open yourself to being transformed
Sometimes, there is a possibility that your strategies are not working and you are not able to acquire the required outcomes. Under such a situation, you should get suggestions from other employees of the organization and try to give respect to the opinions of all the employees. This is also an amazing strategy to lower down your chronic pain.
7) Be a servant leader
No doubt, if you are working as a manager in an organization, you should try to think that you are the leader of servants rather than the boss of the servants. As a result, you will better be able to take responsibilities of all the servants and employees of your organization. Moreover, this is also an amazing tip to win the trust of the employees.
8) Bring creative ideas
There are some hobbies and interests of a person. These hobbies and interests can become a cause of generating new ideas for your business. You should try to bring new and creative ideas in your business and try to instill these creative ideas in your business.
9) Take a vacation
After doing work for consecutive two to three weeks, you should try to take at least one day vacation. This is the best way to relax you and your mind.
10) Get a coach
A coach is a skilled person and he can provide you with enough ideas to manage you and your business. Therefore, you should also try to hire a coach and he will tell you what is going well and what is not going well.
In order to perform your duties in an effective way, you will have to make a self-management plan. This self-management plan is the best way to lower down your chronic pain. Some essential strategies that you should follow while preparing self-management plan are to be self-aware, be accountable, be trustworthy, to recognize your abilities, to be a leader of the servants, to bring some creative ideas, to take a vacation and to hire a coach.